شهادات من بعض المشتركين معنا

مصطفى علي ,بغداد 

السلام عليكم انا مصطفى علي من العراق بغداد متداول قديم في اسواق الفوركس لدي الخبره الكافيه والمعلومات الكافيه في هذا السوق وتعرفت على استاذ ساميون عن طريق الصدفه من خلال المواقع التواصل خاصه اليوتيوب ودخلت عنده الكورس التدريبي لزياده المعرفه والتعليم ووجدت انه لديه من المعلومات الوفيره والكافيه ليكون المتداول جاهز في اسواق الفوركس واسواق الفيوتشرز ايضا اسواق العقود العاجله لديه اسلوب الخاص في التداول اسلوب ممتاز جدا كذلك المؤشرات الذي استخدمها سهله تعامل واضحه واهمها مؤشر الفوليوم بروفايل طبعا هو من برمجته الخاصه لكن سهل تداول عليه وانا كمتداول سابق وانصح بالتعلم الفوليوم بروفايل وخاصه ما يحتوي من معلومات لانه يعتبر محرك السوق او اداه لفهم محرك السوق اللي هي العرض والطلب ممكن معرفه الاتجاه ومناطق الارتداد او مناطق الاهتمام وكذلك للتداول عليها وتعلم اسلوب تداول يساعدك في تطوير مهاراتك وانا شخصيا لقد استفدت من ما يحتويه من معلومات والمؤشرات المستخدمه شخصيا اعتبر الفوليوم بروفايل افضل اداه لتاكيد مناطق العرض الطلب بشكل واضح وسهل
تحياتي واحترامي

حسين من العراق 

أتوجه ببالغ الامتنان والتقدير للأستاذ سايمون، الذي كان له دور محوري في تطوير مهاراتي بمجال الفوليوم بروفايل،بعد أن كنت في حيرة بين مختلف مدارس التحليل الفني، جاء علمه وخبرته ليكونا النور الذي أضاء طريقي نحو التفوق والاحتراف ، الدورة التي قدمها كانت من أفضل الدورات التي دخلتها في حياتي وأصدقها، حيث تميزت بالوضوح والدقة، والأهم فيها الإجابة على كل سؤال دون ملل أو تردد والمتابعة المستمرة معنا ، قال الله تعالى: "وَمَا بِكُم مِّن نِّعْمَةٍ فَمِنَ اللَّهِ"
، وحقًا كانت توجيهاته من أعظم النعم. كما قال تعالى: "وَمَنْ يُؤْتَ الْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِيَ خَيْرًا كَثِيرًا" أسأل الله أن يبارك له في علمه، وأن يجزيه عني خير الجزاء
شكرا لك من القلب
اخوك الصغير من العراق حسين

عمر , السعوديه 

بصراحة من افضل الدورات الي شفتها وتعلمت منها الفوليوم بروفايل وهو اساس التحركات بالسوق والاستاذ سايمون من افضل الاشخاص الي تعلمت منه شخص طيب جدا وكونه حريص على توصيل المعلومه بشكل سهل وطيب ويتعامل معك وكأنك ابنه او اخيه الاصغراشكرك جدا من القلب اخي سايمون على كل الي تقدمه وهذا شرف لي بان يكون لي صديق واخ كبير مثلك تعلمت منه كل هذا الاسرار بالسوق 

(اخوك الصغير عمر , السعوديه )

 ياسر حسين من العراق/بغداد 

افضل كورس تدريبي اشتركت بي بصراحة, من سنتين واني بهذه المجال درست كثير كورسات وتعلمت كثير بس كطريقة التعليم الموجودة عند استاذ سايمون هيه الافضل بالاضافة الى وضوح السوق الي شفته مع الفوليوم بروفايل راح تعرف اماكن الدعوم والمقاومة المخفية وكثير اشياء ,سابقا كنت اسال نفسي ليش السعر انعكس عند مستوى معين على الرغم من عدم وجود قمه سابقه او قاع وكثير من الأسئلة لقيت اجوبتها مع استاذ سايمون, كوني متداول سكالبنك في السابق لم احصل على ربح مستمر بصراحه كان ادئي متذبذب ربح وخسارة وايضا ربح بعدد نقاط قليل لكن الان الحمدالله صرت اواجه مشكله مع الربح بعدد نقاط عالي كوني غير معتاد على هذه الكمية من النقاط في بعض الايام 200 نقطة لليوم فهي تعتبر كمية كبيرة لمتداول السكالبنك, الفضل لاستاذ سايمون غير نظرتي للسوق وعدلنه اسلوب التداول ووصلت الى مرحلة فرحان بيهه جدا شكرا سايمون.

ابو يوسف من المانيا 

مدرسة اسرار الفوليوم بروفايلمن افضل المدارس التي زرتها كونها ترتكز علئ اهم مقومات البورصة ولديها ستراتيجيات قوية جدا لاسواق الفوركس والفيوتشر كونها تعتمد علئ اهم مقومات البورصة وهي مواقع السيولة والفوليوم ومناطق الدعم والمقاومة حيث تعطي رؤية واضحة واوضح بكثير لما هو معتاد ان نراه في البورصة العادية او حتئ في بعض البرامج المتخصصة. كون مؤشراتها برمجت بدقة لكي يتسنئ لكل شخص استخدامها وهذا يتزامن ايضا ان المدرسة تعمل مع اقوئ المنصات الموجودة علئ مستوئ العالم في التحليل وهي السيرا جارت ،وهذا ليس بغريب عندما نعرف ان مؤسسها الاستاذ سيمون لدية خبرة اكثر من عشرين عاما في هذا المجال وحقيقة ان اديه اسلوبا رائعا في التحليل وشخصية تعليمية ممتازة تضيف خبرة رائعة من العمل . شكر خالص الئ  مدرسة تعليم الفوليوم ومؤسسها  وارجو ان يستفاد المحتوئ العربي من هذه المدرسة الممتازة.



شهادة تقدير

بعد قضاء فترة زمنية مميزة في التعلم والعمل معك، أود أن أقدم رأيي بكل صدق. المعلومات التي تم تقديمها حول التداول كانت ذات جودة عالية ومفيدة للغاية. الأسلوب المستخدم في التداول كان منطقيًا ومنظمًا، ويعكس خبرة وفهمًا عميقين للسوق. المؤشرات الحصرية التي طورتها كانت فعالة بشكل لافت، وقد ساعدتني في تحسين استراتيجيتي الخاصة في التداول بشكل كبير. ما يميز أسلوبك في التعليم هو الصبر والإتاحة الدائمة للإجابة على الأسئلة، مما خلق بيئة تعليمية محفزة ومريحة للتعلم. أما بالنسبة للتوصيات التي قدمتها، فقد كانت ذات نتائج جيدة جدًا ومبنية على تحليل دقيق للسوق. كما أن العقلانية في إدارة التداول والصراحة في إعطاء المعلومات حول هذا المجال أكسبتني الثقة وزادت من قدرتي على اتخاذ قرارات تداول مدروسة.

أشكرك على كل ما قدمته، وأتطلع إلى المزيد من التعاون والتعلم معك.

مع جزيل الشكر والتقدير،

محمد من بغداد

استاذ سيمون توقعاته دائما في محلها واحيانا كثيره الاسعار ترتد من الخطوط التي يرسمها بالمليم -اسلوبه في التعليم ممتاز واسلوبه في التداول هو فريد من نوعه الشيء الاساسي الذي تعلمته هو التاكيد قبل التداول ومعرفه مكان الستوبلس صحيح من السهل متابعه توصيات الاستاذ والتداول حسب توصياته ولكن انصح الجميع بان يتعلموا هذا الاسلوب ويستخدموا الفوليوم بروفايل شكري و تقديري استاذ

سيف  بغداد العراق

السلام عليكم استاذ سايمون ربي يحفظك عله هاذه المجهود البذلته ويانه احنه الطلاب واشكرك جدا جدا لان كانت محاظراتك جيده جدن وقدرالمكان اتوصل المعلومه لطالب ومتجاوب معانا عله كل الأسئله النطرحه عليك والحمدلله كانت كل المحاظرات الذي اعطتنياه كل محاظرات

مفيده وتعليميه تعلم استاذ اني من خلال محاظراتك كنت ادخل صفقات وربح بيه كل الشكر والتقدير والاحترام أستاذ سايمون الروعه

Tom D - Texas, USA - March 6, 2021

I have been trading for nearly 25 years. Most of my career was in Forex. I was able to make enough income to quit my job and trade for a living. Then the subprime crisis happened in 2008 and completely erased all of the capital that I had accumulated up to that point. I decided to become a day trader in Futures. I tried several room moderators and purchased multiple indicators. Nothing worked until I discovered Simon's room in 2014. Simon consistently produces 1000's of ticks each month. He uses reasonable stop-loss levels, and he helps you manage the trade by adjusting trailing stops and taking profits at predetermined levels. He is easy to follow on Telegram, and you can make a good living by just copying every call. If you want to learn how he does it, he is very willing to explain his method in great detail. He has numerous videos on his website, and he constantly explains setups in his room.

Mark - Michigan, USA - February 15, 2021

Simon, overall results from last week show $4,300 increase in the demo account and 312 pips in my live Forex accounts! Awesome week and we made some mistakes, that we will get better at. Thanks for the great service and education!


Dear Simon, thank you for your message, and yes I attended the sessions when you mentioned the legal case. For me, it is absolutely out of the question that you are trustworthy, honest and professional. I have been with you for quite a while now, so I guess I can truly say that without question. Please let me know if I can be of any kind of help in your process.

David T

Hello Simon, on trading there's no holy grail system, I´ve always trust on your approach regarding the markets and also the patient you have with them, the education I have from the older GTR was very beneficial to me so no complaints again, I hope everything ends well for you and for our room and also that we can have it more days per week ??, cheers Simon and all the best for you my friend!

Your old student Bill BB


I did not know anything about your problems. you have had bad luck with teaming up with the right people. you are 1 of the most honest people I have ever know & proud to know u
you go out of your way to try to help people like most people don't do those days I'm like you, a hand shack is a person work & there honesty

Robynn McCann

I am a new member to the trade room. My trading style is scalping, so quick in and out, always busy looking for the next trade. The TTI trade room, and Simon’s ‘be patient’ reminder has allowed me to retrain my brain that it isn't about “being busy”, rather, being patient
and waiting for the trade to come to you, small risk, take first target to lock in profit and let the runner run. Fewer trades, bigger rewards, very low stress trading.

Marc Abramsky

Been a fund manager myself for the past 8 Years. . . If you learn to trade and to analyze the markets the way Simon teaches, you will find yourself among the elite . . .  . Simon is the real deal. Make no mistake about it. I cannot say enough about this team Simon has built and what he has done over the years for traders.

Zak J

Dear Jay, Im very thankful for you teaching us during asia session, u are a very good teacher. And u are also very good at answering all my questions that i have very fast so i can learn more. U helping us with the homeworks levels just makes it so much easier for us to trade on our own and when the live rooms are closed. and i know i said it many times before your levels are very very accurate, they basically kill the markets when u learn the methodology more and more (even with pending orders)

Steven Garber

When you do have days like today just remember what you have done for hundreds of people In the chat room i said: “If it makes you feel better I took 3 trades today and all were profitable. All because of your teachings.” I have been with you for over a year now and it took me a good 4-6 months to understand 90% of the system (rejections and bang bang). This summer I have watched all the videos again and have been in the room everyday and have finally got the last 10% which is the pinpoint accuracy it takes for trade entries and stops. I see every trade now. It took me awhile to finally be able to trade on my own without the room but I think after this summer I can finally do that. Thanks again and even after being in the room for a year I still get something out of the videos. As an educator myself I always tell me students you get 10-15% of the info every time you watch a lecture. So you need to watch the same lecture 7-10 times before you really grasp all the concepts.


Simon's swing trade calls are made daily with precision and accuracy . The Patience and his teachings are 2nd to none.. His trade management and calmness brings everything together to make trading a very enjoyable experience daily ... Enjoy your holiday weekend. Best regards

Tamara - Maryland, Jan 2021

Hi Simon,

I have been following all your trading calls, and I am really positively impressed by your work, your manner, nice voice and calm approach. Your trading calls and actions have all been clear and had positive outcomes.

I found you on YouTube and listened to your InvestorExpos webinar – I was curious to see your volume-based methodology.

On one particular day in the room, you called ES. Somebody then took RTY and posted it on our Telegram channel. Sometime after, you gave him a warning about a resistance level. This showed us that you care about your members, and you never ignore a single question.

I am in a senior age group, working full-time, and I have little experience of live trading. Before meeting you, I took one expensive and disappointing futures training course, and I now have to pay the loan for that course. Because of this, I find every trade I take very emotional and scary.

Simon, thank you very much for being such a talented and generous person!


Hi Simon, the bottom line is I'm extremely happy with your services. I've been a long time member for more than 4 years and have always had excellent customer service from you and your organization. I have learned a lot and give thanks to have increased my skill set in understanding how the markets work on a short and long time basis. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you releasing your training/education to the public. I want to continue attending your training and educational services/websites.


Good afternoon sir,
Just wanted you to know. I know you’re a good honorable man no doubt.
Blessings always

Robert Saukas

Simon's trading calls are extremely accurate and very easy to execute. Just following the trade calls in the room you will be successful. The more effort you put into learning Simon's methodology of trading the more comfortable you will be following Simon's recommendations. Anyone interested in learning a successful way to trade should definitely look into learning volume profile trading.


Hey Simon, I just wanted to let you know I made over 50 ticks today. It's all sim, but I wanted to give you an update on my progress. I am going to keep working but I did want to take the time to say thank you. Your patience and interest in helping is amazing to me. Have a nice day

Laurence M

A big Thank you to you and the Team. I completed my TopstepTrader 50k Combine. I traded only CL on 1-3 contracts and completed it in 17 days. They then asked me to perform what they call Funded Trader Preparation which asks that you hit $1500 in a minimum of 10 days and a max of 60 days on no more than 2 contracts. I completed this in 10 days. Thanks again for all the education and discipline you teach. Laurence M

Peter A

Simon… I`ve been trading successfully for almost 20 years including 3 years as a floor trader at the CBOT and even though I`ve only be with you for two weeks and still learning the method its already improved my trading enormously by allowing me to take less trades with smaller stops with greater confidence. Looking forward to improving more as I get better at the levels,mainly as an EOD position trader. THANK YOU for sharing this way and your teachings

Mike M

Simon, I wanted to send you a note to let you know what an excellent instructor Jay is. He supports and reinforces your methodology and presents it in a way which helps me better understand your teachings. Jay has tremendous patience and follows up with examples to ensure students understand what he is presenting. He welcomes all questions and modifies the session to accommodate students’ needs. The Asian session is slow enough with just enough students to make for a good teaching venue. Jay has significantly refined my understanding of the volume profile and how it should be traded. Please continue to have Jay run these instructional sessions. Thanks



Excited to attend your seminar later today, I decided to go to the website and look around.

I left trading at your site in 2014 as I needed to help out full time in our family business. I occasionally checked back or looked to find you, but always needed to 

work less flexible hours which did not allow me to access trading in the mornings.

I originally subscribed to your site in 2012 as I was so impressed with, not only your skill and knowledge but also your passion, kindness and honesty.

You welcomed me as a lifetime member and also my son. I have never regretted investing in you or your education. I always enjoyed how you connected with your students and shared stories of your wonderful family- grown now! 


I wish you and your lovely family all the best in years to come. I hope to be able to rejoin the room soon as I will be retiring.

I look forward to learning and trading again.


Best regards,


Hi Simon. Thank you for your message. I already saw something online / but for me, it does not matter. I make my own decisions on my own. Be part of your trading room for me is just collecting different views on the market situation so I base my trading activities on my own. I wish you all the best and hope you can serve us with your view further in the future. I believe in your honesty.

CT George

You've always struck me as a kind and honest person


I appreciate the fact that Simon is patient in protecting our money and his calls are very accurate. He looks first for a reasonable stop area before entering a trade and many of his calls go along way beyond the first target so the risk/reward is excellent.  I have a full time job so he makes the room at a reasonable cost so I can come in and learn from his excellent money management skills to guide us through the trade from start to finish.  My weakness has always been money management so that is the training I benefit most from Simon but you can also learn Volume Profile from him to be able to read trades yourself.  I hope to be a full member and continue learning the how to manage trades along with the mentality it takes to be a trader. Thank you Simon


I just wanted to say thanks a lot for yesterday’s training session – it was extremely helpful! After your explanations and the Q&A, something finally just clicked and I got it. I was up until 3 am last night studying volume profile (partially because there was a huge car bomb that detonated a few blocks from the embassy in Kabul at 1 am).

Anyways, it was pretty amazing to see and understand the reactions of price at the various levels today – before I would try to mirror the trades based on your calls. Today I finally understood why the trades were being called out, and was able to anticipate the levels before they were called out – extremely satisfying.

I made 30 ticks trading a single contract (trying the technique you discussed yesterday), and it was probably the most relaxing trading day I have ever had understanding where price should react and why as well as where to place smart stops behind high volume nodes. 

I should be able to make it into the trading room on a much more regular basis now as at the end of the work day here, it is around 8:30 am in NY. I’ll touch base with you next week to buy the price magnet, DRLs, etc., as I would like to have the full picture of what you, Simon are seeing in the markets. Have a great birthday weekend! Best, Richard

Brad Lucey

I just wanted to let you know, after this week of trading, I have now officially paid for my membership and my Ninjatrader lifetime license. All in about eight weeks of trading LIVE. I’ll be on vacation all next week with the family in Texas but will be back at it July 6th, bright and early. Thanks for all you do.